ADDICTION – it comes in many a form,
From drugs, to gambling, to food, to porn.

But what specifically is ADDICTION?
Let’s separate the facts from the fiction.

The best definition that I’ve ever heard,
Goes like this, word for word…

ADDICTION is any behaviour a person desires,
That gives relief or pleasure but then suffering transpires,
And despite the negative consequence it never retires,
Craving, relief, pleasure, suffering… the mind re-wires.

ADDICTION is not a choice or a disease of the brain,
It’s an attempt to solve the problem of human pain.

It’s not a moral failure, a genetic misfire, or the absence of will,
It’s a response to the plague of suffering but makes a person more ill.

An addict doesn’t need your judgment or basic symptom management,
They require healing from the trauma at the root their predicament.

And more than a physician, they want a friend,
That will stay with them through every beginning and end.

Addicts are people with a complicated problem,
Looking for someone to help them solve ‘em.

Ahhh… you’re wrong, addicts are trash,
With no respect for themselves, they’d sell their mother for cash.

They’re destitute degenerates, weaklings, and crazy,
They’re arrogant, self-destructive rich kids that are entitled and lazy.

Really? Well, I’d like to ask some things of you…
I hope you take time to think this through.

Can you put down your phone?
Or leave social media alone?

Do you love the rush of anger inside?
When rage takes you on a thrilling ride?

Do you feel you should work all the time?
Or constantly need to distract your mind?

Are you consumed with popularity?
Do you frequently practice retail therapy?

Are you co-dependent on someone else?
Do you exercise beyond the state of good health?

Are you obsessed with certain celebrities?
Do you crave extreme sport activities?

If you answered yes, guess what? You’re an addict too.
Sometimes you pick the poison or the poison picks you.

It’s not ‘A-DICK-SHUN’… it’s ADDICTION.

And it affects those of all shapes and sizes,
The list of the victims always surprises.

Yes, ADDICTION has a grip on every soul,
Like the want of more, or the need for control.

Addicts feel the strong allure of their dope,
How can it change from No Hope to Know Hope?

The only way to make things better,
Is to realize we’re all in this together.

So, although you may feel the friction,
It’s time to deal lovingly with the world of ADDICTION.