COURAGE – we all desire it,
But it’s so difficult to acquire it.

For COURAGE is being afraid of something,
Yet confronting it head-on like it was nothing.  

It’s having strength in the face of pain or grief,
Still choosing to carry on when there’s no relief.

And it’s usually not a popular choice,
It most often speaks as a lone, daring voice.

We frequently see it as a revolutionary act,
That becomes a famous historical fact.

Like the unknown rebel in Tiananmen square,
Rosa Parks symbolically stating that it’s not fair.

But COURAGE encompasses so much more,
Than the bravery of people facing a war.

It involves standing up for your self,
And defending the rights of someone else.

It’s keeping the faith in the midst of doubt,
Or asking somebody to help you out.

It’s the force needed to forgive someone,
Or take responsibility for something you’ve done.

COURAGE is the catalyst to continue with grit,
Or the basis to tell your boss, ‘Thanks, but I quit’.

It’s having the inner-strength to hold back,
It’s protecting your values when they’re under attack.

COURAGE is always giving your best and no less,
And saying ‘no’ when you feel pressured to say ‘yes’.

It’s openly sharing your innermost thought,
Being vulnerable enough to say ‘I love you a lot’.

It can be simply getting out of bed,
When everything in you wishes you were dead.

It’s when you say, ‘okay, I failed today, but I’ll try again tomorrow’,
I’ll look to find a lesson-learned in the midst of this sorrow.

It’s thinking for yourself, making up your own mind,
And when people show you hate, it’s then treating them kind.

And I know the fears in this world can get you discouraged,
But be bold, be brave, and be of good COURAGE.