Imagine creating a hole along a fluid pathway in the body (i.e. during teeth extraction), plugging that hole with a combination of silver, mercury, copper and tin (dental amalgam) and then having that fluid supply pass by such metals for years, inadvertently traveling to brain tissue. Silver metal and inorganic silver compounds ionize in the presence of water, body fluids or tissue exudates. The silver ion is biologically active and readily interacts with proteins, amino acid residues, free anions and receptors on mammalian cell membranes. Also, many studies have shown that exposure to mercury induces changes in the central nervous system, resulting in irritability, fatigue, behavioral changes, hearing and cognitive loss, dysarthria, in-coordination, and hallucinations. If either of these metals (even in minute doses) continuously seeps into saliva, sinus, and lymphatic channels it can have an adverse affect on the brain and behaviour.
Furthermore, if tooth extraction is not accompanied by a synthetic replacement - as in the case of wisdom teeth removal - and damage is done to salivary and/or lymphatic channels… an increase in drainage speed of these fluids may be induced. In particular, if lymphatic drainage from the brain is elevated this would remove metabolic waste faster and readily cycle ‘fresh’ fluid to the brain… this could lead to increased energy, sex drive, feelings of euphoria and many other symptoms that would be labelled as a ‘manic-high’.