What is DESTINY to you and me?
Is it some thing we must do; is it some one we must be?

Perhaps, it is a person we were preordained to meet,
Or possibly an obstacle set up for us to beat?

It could be a destination, a place that we will go,
Or a revelation that eventually we will know.  

Maybe it’s an amalgamation of every situation?
But let’s review the textbook for the proper explanation…


The hidden power believed to control a person’s fate,
Or the events that will assuredly transpire at a future date.

That’s hogwash you think, I’m in control of my future,
DESTINY is superstition, a silly little rumour.

Don’t get me wrong; I believe we have free will,
The power to choose the kind of life we wish to fulfill.

In this way, fortune is not left to chance, but choice,
The hidden power controlling things is your inner-voice.

So can thoughts control your DESTINY by directing every deed?
Like making the decision to plant and grow a seed.

For before the seed is in the soil, the options are open-ended,
But when it takes root in the ground, it becomes what has been intended. 

An apple seed becomes an apple tree,
What else could it be? It is its DESTINY.

And so, some grow the seed of never even trying,
Thinking my DESTINY is dead-ends, darkness, doubt and dying.

And there it is, a decision sown,
A harvest of negativity is grown.

Instead, ground your thoughts in the light of your soul,
And water the clarity regarding your earthly role.

Believe you have a purpose; Imagine you have a place,
Trust you have a unique position in this human race.

And it’s probably not the picture we see through this world’s lense,
Of status, salary, sex, and stuff and things of secular sense.

Your DESTINY can be love, not hate,
Simply by the decisions you make.

Having said all that, one thing is for certain,
Every single mortal life has a final curtain.

So in a way, we all have a date,
With DESTINY… and she won’t wait.

After the drawing of your final breath,
No one knows what’s out there, beyond our death…

But could it actually be,
Our true, real, planned DESTINY?