FAILURE – it’s something nobody wants to go through,
Yet there’s a 100% success rate that shows it will happen to you.
We think FAILURE is set on tearing us apart,
But it actually has our best interest at heart.
It is, first and foremost, an eager educator,
It teaches you to lose now so you will win later.
It strengthens your spirit to overcome fear,
It sharpens your vision, making it clear.
It forces you to find creative solutions,
And commit yourself to new resolutions.
It can be the motivation that drives you forward,
Becoming just what the doctor ordered.
It keeps you grounded in reality and humility,
And proves perseverance is not an exercise in futility.
It gives you a sense of how, why, and what for,
Making you a wiser, more valuable mentor.
It elicits support from those who truly care,
Reassuring you that in defeat they will be there.
It’s an opportunity to begin once more,
With information you didn’t have before.
FAILURE doesn’t mean you’re a let down, shrouded in shame,
It means there’s courage and character attached to your name.
For nobody’s been inspired by someone who tried once and got it,
But by those who try and try and try… until they get it they won’t stop it.
Most times you must fail so you can succeed,
That’s not what you want but it is what you need.
And I realize FAILURE can be scary and it doesn’t feel good,
But it’s the catalyst to accomplish what you never thought you could.
For we learn the most from things that go wrong,
The incorrect results that push us along.
And here’s one truth of which I’m sure,
Success is the result of many a FAILURE.