FEAR NOT – it’s easier said than done,
Especially in a life or death situation or when you’re under the gun.

For fear is so innate and easily turned on,
Causing you to fight, take flight, to freeze, or to fawn.

FEAR… it’s the other four-letter F-word,
That makes you think irrationally and act absurd.

Why is its grip so invincibly strong?
How does it hold us so incredibly long?

Still you can overcome the sensation of fright,
By trusting in something with much greater might.

Frequently we foolishly rely solely on ourselves,
To provide protection from the panic that often overwhelms.

Or sometimes we put our trust in money, status, or stuff,
To sooth frightful feelings when life gets too rough.

And there’s nothing wrong with believing in one another,
To trudge through your troubles with a sister or a brother.

But these aren’t the ways to genuinely control fear,
The answer is something most people don’t want to hear.

The scriptures tell us, ‘Do not be afraid…
I am with you, so do not be dismayed…’.

And, ‘Do not be anxious about anything…
But in every situation pray with thanksgiving’.

‘For God has not given us a spirit of a fearful kind,
But of power and of love and of a sound mind.’

‘Fear not, for God has concurred the world,
He’s called you by name, each boy and each girl’.

Honestly, can you not hear it?
It’s The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Coming to your rescue, giving you reprieve,
Securing you, defending you - if you’d only just believe.

That’s how slaves defeated Pharaoh and a prophet endured a lion’s den defiant,
How 300 common folks beat thousands of warriors and a shepherd-boy slayed a giant.

So here’s the question… if God is for you what could stand against you?
This perspective makes FEAR NOT seem more doable and true.

It bestows bravery, which is the management of fear,
And gives courage to be bold when terror is near.

For it’s not about never experiencing the sensation of dread,
But allowing it to wash over you and not get in your head.

Therefore wear ‘No Fear’ like a shirt on your back,
When the perils of this world go on the attack.

And though so many have somehow, someway forgot,
Remember each day how to truly FEAR NOT.