ISOLATION – has such a negative connation.

It is the state of being separated,
Disconnected and alienated.

It can lead to loneliness and depression,
It can fuel a war or a recession.   

It impairs immune function and circulation,
It increases illness and inflammation.

It’s twice as dangerous as obesity,
Its solo mission is to scorn in secrecy.

ISOLATION – can be pure desolation.

Still, is there a silver lining to its shadowy cloud?
Is there a positive to being removed from the crowd?

Let’s single in on this thought,
To see if it’s all for naught.

ISOLATION… a lone fixation… please give me some privacy for speculation…

Well, it offers time to reflect,
On the things you’d likely neglect.

It can stimulate creativity and resourcefulness,
It can cultivate resolve and forcefulness.

It can make you appreciative of normalcy,
The stuff you took for granted, the things you didn’t see.

It can teach empathy for others in the same position,
Those sole souls struggling with the human condition.  

It can motivate you to reprioritize what is actually important,
It can facilitate you to resume that which has been lying dormant.  

It may ground you to reconnect with this planet of ours,
Or give space to relax and gaze at the stars.

Maybe the key is to turn ISOLATION into solitude,
Improving perspective and proportion of gratitude.

So insulate yourself for secluded rejuvenation,
Find some peace and quiet during ISOLATION.