You are convinced that your best days are done,
That somehow you missed your moment in the sun.

You think you’ve got very little left to say,
So you suppose that now you’ll just fade away.


Repeat after me…
I’m a late bloomer, it can happen later or sooner.
Yes, I’m a late bloomer, it can happen later or sooner.

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to resurrect a dream,
To find some courage; to build self-esteem.

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to start something new,
To remove the mind-set that’s been stopping you.

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to fulfil a promise,
Or to say you’re sorry, or be completely honest.

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to reach for something higher,
To motivate, to educate, to stimulate, to inspire.

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to mend what is broken,
Whether it’s a friendship, a family, or a word wrongly spoken.

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to make the right choice,
To stand up for someone with no strength and no voice.

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to break an addiction,
To alter your path with a concrete conviction.  

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to save your soul,
To take the shattered pieces and make them whole.

So pick up your pen and write that book,
Or give education another look.

Dial that number to a loved one scorn,
And mend the relationship that has been torn.

Grab your brush and paint those pictures,
Or seek out meaning in the Holy Scriptures.

Take that idea and make it a business,
Bury your hate in a pile of forgiveness. 

Tune your instrument and compose that song,
Tell that person, ‘Look, I was wrong’.

Remember, until your expiry date - IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.