MEEKNESS - it is not weakness.

Most think it’s a negative, where one is submissively impressionable,
But really it’s a positive, where one is civilly teachable.

From the biblical perspective, it means strength under control,
It is an attribute of true discipline of the body and the soul.

For the meek shall inherit the earth, as proclaimed in the Beatitudes,
They are righteous, patient under suffering, and maintain hopeful attitudes.

MEEKNESS is being able to absorb adversity and criticism without lashing back,
It refrains from revenge and defensiveness when under attack.

It is about becoming quick to listen and slow to speak,
Recognizing that ones knowledge can be limited and weak.  

It values being peaceable and merciful and open to reason,
Marinating the heart and mind in wisdom to season.

MEEKNESS is realizing your own fallibility,
And acting always with a sense of humility.

It’s committing your way to the Divine,
Quietly waiting on Him for a sign.   

MEEKNESS does not possess bitterness, resentfulness, or fretfulness.
Instead, it is rich in kindness, respectfulness, and gentleness.

It is the opposite of what the world encourages in championing your pride,
It is taking a step back, reflecting, and becoming genuinely modest inside.

MEEKNESS doesn’t mean you compromise your standards or submit to oppression,
It is maturely considering how to use your might with discretion.

Meek in the Greek refers to a powerful horse made ready for war,
It is a trained, contained force used for a purposeful chore.

And now I hope you understand that there is sleekness,
Found in the true nature of acting with MEEKNESS.