Don’t neglect the gift of REST,
It’s a process designed to bring out your best.

I’m not saying to lie around all the time and be lazy;
I’m talking about taking a break from the grind that gets crazy.

For REST is just as important as work,
Do not underestimate what it’s really worth.

Just ask the person that is trying to build muscle,
They train for hours, they lift and they hustle.

But it is only in REST that their body grows stronger,
It repairs itself and it’s endurance gets longer.

Yes, REST is a powerful state,
Which allows one to rejuvenate.

The benefits of REST are quite a few,
Here’s some I wish everyone knew…

It makes you look more attractive,
Beauty REST is youthfully proactive.

It reduces stress and keeps you well,
By refining the function of every cell.

It improves your energy so you don’t feel drained,
Allowing mental health to be maintained.

It decreases the risk of making mistakes,
So safety-first for goodness sakes.

You’re more creative and productive,
Less negative and less destructive.

Still I hear some say, I’ll sleep when I die’
Actually, you’ll die if you don’t sleep… that’s no lie. 

For the person that never takes a break is a slave,
They work themselves right into the grave.

Remember, on the seventh day God rested,
This wisdom has been tried and tested.

So if you want to feel truly blessed,
Slow down and get your REST.