SACRIFICE – it’s an offer to pay the price.
It can be a habitual conceding of what you want to keep,
It can be a ritual proceeding where there’s slaughtering of sheep.
In hard-line situations, it’s a selfish creed to progress your fortune and success,
In divine orchestrations, it’s a selfless deed to bless those whose fortune is less.
It calls you to give a piece of your time, your energy, your money,
It enthrals you to live in peace with the enemy and your honey bunny.
It is doing something you don’t want to do.
It is choosing that which you’d rather not choose.
It is waiting beyond what you think you can wait,
It is helping someone you just want to hate.
SACRIFICE contradicts human nature,
And nicely depicts the one, true Saviour.
It is the letting go of your own agenda, your personal vendetta, and your first-world dilemma.
Surprise… it can altar the course of history,
Its compromise culture is a source of mystery.
It accommodates, compensates, and consecrates.
It personifies a parent raising offspring,
It signifies apparent praising of the King.
It can inspire the uprising of caring motivation,
It can require uncompromising, daring dedication.
Love is interlocked with it, overstocked with it, and has walked the walk with it.
It is being humble for the sake of community,
It is agreeing to struggle to make calm and unity.
They say, there is no bigger SACRIFICE one can extend,
As when you lay down, with vigour, your life for a friend.
May you be so other-centred you never think twice,
To say you’ll surrender whatever in SACRIFICE.