THANKS – it’s a word atop the ranks.
It conveys a commemorative expression of gratitude,
And displays an appreciative impression of attitude.
It’s an indication of respect,
Its inspiration is direct.
It’s influential and spoken with please,
Is a quintessential token that will appease.
It reinforces a benevolent pathway in the mind,
And endorses a prevalent cliché that is kind.
It ensures the addressee feels treasured,
It assures to guarantee zeal’s measured.
It’s a saying your spouse aspires to hear,
Conveying your house desires them near.
It is courteous, virtuous, and good for us.
The force it grants is underestimated,
Of course, this can’t be overstated.
If you endeavour to put it in a letter, it only gets better.
If you oversee, stress it brightly at work,
An employee will be less likely to shirk.
When it’s permitted to brewed and steep,
It’s benefited your mood and sleep.
For, in the war of words, there’s one that outflanks,
If it’s more often heard and that is… THANKS.