Maybe you’re The Only One,
With the ability to get the job done.

The Only One paying attention,
The solitary soul with comprehension.

Yes, maybe you’re The Only One,
Chosen because you’re second to none.

Perhaps, that’s why you’re in unwarranted pain,
And ‘Why Me?’ is a familiar refrain.

You’ve been given a great problem so you can discover a great solution,
The Only One creative enough to find an innovative resolution.

Is that why you’re in this trial or temptation?
Because you’re The Only One that can rise to the occasion.

Only you can learn how to take it,
To help those with the same issue who without you wouldn’t make it.

You could be the only friend who will spare the time,
The only enemy that will choose to be kind.

The lone believer with faith enough,
To maintain hope when things get tough.

The Only One who will stand without fear,
The Only One with ears willing to hear.

The Only One ready to answer the call,
To catch the lost and lonely when they fall.

So if you grow weary of carrying the torch - continue to run,
Because maybe you’re The Only One.