TRIALS – life has them for miles.

Proceedings that test your abilities and qualities,
Prosecuting your expertise and vulnerabilities.

TRIALS usually have a purposeful result,
Like unearthing the truth or finding some fault.

They probe to see how much patience you possess,
They push to see how far your potential will progress.

There are TRIALS of faith, of strength, and of the mind,
Some involve the test of time and others are double blind.  

They can prove your fighting spirit is alive,
They can appeal to your internal will to survive.

Some TRIALS happen so that you fail,
To confirm that even you could use some bail.

They often make a case for you to review,
The words you say and the things you do.

Certain TRIALS are more than some can take,
And unjustly, a number of innocent people break.

Those wrongfully accused by the jury,
Leaving them to object with fury.

TRIALS can bring order to an unruly infraction,
Getting the parties involved to carry on with civil action.

The metamorphosis of judgment is something to witness,
When TRIALS bring closure and a verdict of forgiveness.

Yes, TRIALS are often much more than their appearance,
Giving you a testimony and a claim to perseverance.

The counsel’s closing remarks -

If you find yourself on TRIAL,
This evidence is worthwhile…

God will defend you in your affliction,
He will represent you with conviction.

And when you have been tried,
You will be reformed on the inside.

So through the due process of acquittals and denials,
May you find redemption in each of your TRIALS.