TRUST - it is a must.
In fact, it is the basis, around which relationships revolve,
It is a fundamental element that helps humanity evolve.
TRUST is the assured reliance on the ability, strength, or truth of someone,
It is when you have security in something that is second to none.
The capacity to TRUST is complex as it is multifactorial,
Based on childhood, personality, beliefs, and the way that you feel.
Speaking of which… TRUST your instinct, that sense in your gut,
It is reliable when something’s up but you don’t know what.
Do all that you can to live in peace and earn people’s TRUST,
Shape your words and your deeds to be upright and just.
For to be trusted is as complimentary as being loved,
It is an honour to be relied on like blood.
Some are quick to TRUST, treating strangers like brothers,
Some are guarded and cautiously extend TRUST to others.
TRUST can take much to build and only a moment to break,
Especially, when someone you think is genuine turns out to be fake.
Having said that, TRUST can be repaired but it takes time,
Along with mutual dedication and the right frame of mind.
I realize in some situations it is unfair to ask,
To TRUST again feels like an impossible task.
Though certain people have let you down,
There are other trustworthy souls around.
And as the old proverb goes…
TRUST in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding,
It is a wise place to start, based on God’s love-filled commanding.
I wish you the best of success as you adapt and adjust,
As you undergo the paramount process of learning to TRUST.