WHY? Some just smile and say - WHY not?
Some people don’t care; they’ve lost the plot.

Yet, it’s the question most want to know,
WHY are we here, and WHY are things so?

When we were children it was such a hot topic,
WHY? But WHY? But WHY? Okay, stop it.  

Schools of thought differ about the reason,
Things have a purpose and time has a season.

It’s an Anthropic Multiverse or a Soul Evolution,
A White Hole, Colliding Branes, or Quantum Fluctuation.

Sometimes the answer is ‘Because I said so’,
Or more often than not, ‘I honestly don’t know’.

Like WHY our bodies live in the here and now,
Yet our minds continuously don’t know how…

We either dwell in the past or worry about the future,
WHY we do this to ourselves, I’ll never be sure.

Or WHY the secret to success is to fail a lot,
Or WHY doing nothing generates many a thought.

Or WHY most people devote their lives to work they hate,
Or spend less time planning for life than they do a wedding date.

WHY holding resentment endangers your health,
WHY forgiving someone actually helps your self.

WHY we desperately try to be something we’re not,
WHY we don’t appreciate the things we’ve got.

Or WHY the way to get rid of fear is to do the thing you’re afraid of,
Or WHY people with great advice have lives that are screwed up.

And WHY chasing after happiness is a fool’s errand,
As it’s something inside you that you should be sharing.

And WHY the best things in life happen when our plans fall apart,
WHY the end of hard road is a good place to start.

And you have to concede that only God knows,
WHY gravity stays and where the wind blows.

WHY love can only be explained as something you feel,
Yet its effect on the soul is something so real.

And when I look across that big blue sky,
I think to myself one questionthat question is WHY?

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